For users' rights and interests, please kindly comply with the rules.
Please purchase tickets at Reception Counter at 1st floor before using the facility.
People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the archery range. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
For users' rights and interests, please do not use over-time.
Please keep your personal belongings safe at all time, we are not liable for any loss.
Please sign up for activities according to the guideline. Do not join any activity without approval.
Personal training is not allowed unless accepted by the center. Please refer to the personal training rules of our center.
Non-athletic events need to apply with further contracts for approvals.
If renting/borrowing any equipment, please return it to their original positions after use.
We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
Absolutely no horseplay at any time in the archery range.
Take the arrows from quiver, nock, or draw only when it’s your turn.
Be sure there’s nobody in shooting range before nocking. Everyone should look at the target and stand behind the warning line when finish shooting (no more nocking or drawing).
Never handle another archer’s equipment without permission. Please keep your own archery safe. No standing forward of the warning line and keep quiet when it’s not your turn.
Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. If any unsafe behavior or condition by anyone, will be reported to police.
We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.
The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.