



泳池設施 Swimming Facility

  • 溫水游泳池 (7道50M標準水道,水深120~140cm)                                     
  • 兒童池 (水深50cm)
  • SPA水療池 (水深90cm)
  • 男女蒸氣室
  • 男女烤箱
  • 男女冷熱水池 (水深90cm)
  • 本館電梯設備均提供無障礙服務
  • 溫水游泳池設有無障礙入水椅及無障礙坡道
  • 無障礙廁所暨無障礙淋浴間
  • 無障礙出入口(需先至1樓泳池櫃檯換入場卡)

開放時間 Opening Hour

AM06:00 - PM22:00                    






  無障礙入水升降椅 無障礙電梯 無障礙標示 無障礙廁所 無障礙服務台




  • 全   票:110元/次
  • 學生票:80元(須出示國內有效學生證,不包含就讀空中大學者
  • 陪同票:80元(僅供池畔陪同不可使用泳池設施)
  • 兒童票:55元(8-12歲兒童)
  • 敬老票:50元(65歲以上、55歲以上原住民)
  • 幼兒票:30元(4~7歲學齡前幼童,須有家長陪同
  • 未滿三歲之幼童可免費使用(需有家長陪同)

  • 月   卡:1,500元/30天加贈5天(限本人,不限次數使用)
  • 優惠劵:3,300元/(30張加贈5張貴賓券)



















 蒸氣室、烤箱使用須知 (Steam Room and Sauna Rules)

  1. 65歲以上之長者,建議家屬/同伴陪同使用,使用時間請勿過長。
  2. 為顧及安全考量,12歲以下兒童禁止進入冷熱水池/蒸氣室/烤箱及SPA池。(僅熱水池可由家長陪同入池)
  3. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用。
  4. 運動後休息15分鐘再使用設施。
  5. 使用蒸氣室及烤箱請勿連續使用超過5分鐘,以免發生危險。
  6. 使用蒸氣室及烤箱前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,嚴禁皮膚表面塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品以防皮膚散熱功效降低。
  7. 使用時請勿穿戴隱形眼鏡、金屬、寶石等飾物。
  8. 請勿攜帶毛巾、塑膠類製品、瓜果皮進入。
  9. 使用前後請酌量飲水。
  10. 蒸氣室及烤箱內請勿嬉鬧、躺臥、閱讀書報,以免發生意外。
  11. 蒸氣室及烤箱內控制系統不可任意自行調整,如需要服務請隨時告知工作人員。
  12. 若身體感到不適時請拉急救鈴並立即告知現場工作人員。
  13. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。


  1. Adults aged 65 years and above are recommended to be accompanied by an adult or a partner in the steam room and sauna. Prolonged use of the steam room or sauna are not recommended, since too much exposure may result in dizziness, nausea or fainting.
  2. For your safety, children aged 12 years and under are not permitted to use the steam room and sauna.
  3. Do not use the steam room or sauna on an empty stomach or right after a meal.
  4. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes rest and cool down after exercising before entering the steam room or sauna.
  5. Limit yourself to a maximum of 5 minutes in the steam room or sauna every single time.
  6. Shower before entering the steam room and sauna. Make sure that you have removed all products on your skin surface like sunscreen, care products or cosmetics.
  7. Remove contact lenses, mental accessories and jewelry before entering the steam room and sauna.
  8. Towels, plastic products or fruit peels are not permitted in the steam room and sauna.
  9. Drink plenty of water before and after using the steam room and sauna.
  10. Playing, lying, and reading are not allowed when using the steam room and the sauna.
  11. Do not change the system condition by yourself. If you have any problem, please contact the staff for assistance.
  12. If you have any health problems, please pull the emergency bell and ask the lifeguard for help right away.
  13. We reserve the right to change and/or add to the regulations and rules. For those who do not follow the rules, we have the right to ask you to leave the center and will not give you the refund. We also reserve the right to refuse service to any member who violates any rule or regulation.



 SPA池使用須知 (SPA Pool Rules)

  1. 12歲以下兒童禁止進入冷熱水池/蒸氣室/烤箱及SPA池。(僅熱水池可由家長陪同入池)
  2. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用,運動後休息15分鐘再使用設施。
  3. 使用SPA池時間請勿過長,以免危害健康。
  4. 禁止在SPA池內嬉戲、潛泳、游泳、悶氣、使用任何輔具,或讓自身/他人的安全處於危險之行為。
  5. 如有任何不適,請立即通知工作人員。
  6. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。


  1. For your safety, children aged 12 years and under are not permitted to use the SPA.
  2. Do not use the steam room or sauna on an empty stomach or right after a meal. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes rest and cool down after exercising before entering the SPA.
  3. Prolonged use of the steam room or sauna are not recommended.
  4. Playing, diving, swimming, holding breath underwater, flotation device are not allowed in SPA.
  5. Please notify the lifeguard if feel unwell.
  6. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.



冷熱水池使用須知 (Cold/Hot Pool Rules)

  1. 12歲以下兒童禁止進入冷熱水池/蒸氣室/烤箱及SPA池。(僅熱水池可由家長陪同入池)
  2. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用,運動後休息15分鐘再使用設施。
  3. 使用冷熱水池時間請勿過長,以免危害健康。(建議每使用15分鐘,請上岸休息5分鐘)
  4. 禁止在冷熱水池內嬉戲、潛泳、游泳、悶氣、使用任何輔具,或讓自身/他人的安全處於危險之行為。
  5. 如有任何不適,請立即通知工作人員。
  6. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。


  1. For your safety, children aged 12 years and under are not permitted to use the Cold/Hot Pool.
  2. Do not use the steam room or sauna on an empty stomach or right after a meal. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes rest and cool down after exercising before entering the Cold/Hot Pool.
  3. Prolonged use of the steam room or sauna are not recommended.
  4. Playing, diving, swimming, holding breath underwater, flotation device are not allowed in Cold/Hot Pool.
  5. Please notify the lifeguard if feel unwell.
  6. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.



 兒童池使用須知 (Kids Pool Rules)

  1. 依據兒童及少年福利與權益保障法第51條規定, 6歲以下兒童,須由父母、監護人或其他實際照顧兒童之人陪同進入本區域。
  2. 欲使用輔具時,應事先獲得工作人員之同意。
  3. 禁止於池內潛水,或讓自身/他人的安全處於危險之行為。
  4. 如有身體不適,請隨時通知工作人員。
  5. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。


  1. According to the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act article 51, children under 6 years-old must be accompanied by parent(s), guardian(s) or other people looking after children to enter the pool area for safety.
  2. Please seek lifeguard’s approval before using any flotation device.
  3. Please do not dive. And don’t do anything dangerous or life-threatening.
  4. Please notify the lifeguard if feel unwell.
  5. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.